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Nutritional Counseling

Holistic Wellness Consulting is a dynamic approach to creating more health, beauty and harmony in your life. We look at each aspect of your life to determine how it’s serving your personal goals and needs. Everything from the foods you eat to your career, your relationships and your spiritual practices can be a source of nourishment, if you choose to make them so!

wellness center nyc
wellness center new york

Most of us recognize that when we eat well and take care of ourselves, we look and feel our best. While our intentions are good, it can be challenging to stay focused and motivated on our own. Our mission is to help you get clear about your health and lifestyle goals, then support you to reach them in a holistic way. Together, we will design a customized, flexible program based on your specific concerns and interests.


Remember:  your health and wellbeing are a gift to yourself, but they are also a gift to  your loved ones and an asset to your community!

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